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The Transformation of Experience Attributes into Search Attributes in Experience Product by Interactive Advertising
作者 耿慶瑞劉凱銘黃增隆
WWW (World Wide Web ) 提供互動行銷的一個良好環境,它所提供的商業環境與傳統也是不相同的。而線上購物環境相對於傳統購物環境來說,針對經驗產品知覺搜尋屬性的資訊搜尋是非常困難的,因此,也會造成消費者在線上購物時的不便。雖然如此,消費者卻可以透過廣告虛擬感受,就好像他第一手經驗這個產品一樣。本研究主要想了解主動性對經驗產品的影響。研究方法採取實驗設計法,設計網站,提供三層互動廣告,以及一個完全沒有主動程度的第0層廣告。產品標的經過前測確認為虛擬品牌High Performance筆記型電腦。研究樣本為北區的大專學生,實驗時以隨機 方式分配至四組,實驗有效的分析樣本為128人。研究結果顯示:高層次的網站立動廣告可以降低消費者的屬性搜尋成本、讓消費者產生虛擬經驗以及將產品在買前最不能確定經驗屬性轉換成較能確定的搜尋屬性。除此之外,因為網站廣告高互動程度的功能設計,用以呈現各項屬性的資訊,也會提高消費者對產品的購買意願。
WWW (World Wide Web) provides a good environment for interactive marketing. The commercial environment WWW provides is different from traditional commercial environment. In addition, Internet can draw near the distance and promote interaction among people.
It is inconvenient for consumers to shop online for experience product. Virtual experience WWW generates may provide the DPE (direct product experience) to consumers. This kind of experience is just as consumers use product by themselves.
The study conducted experiment method to investigate the impact of interactivity on experience product, using three levels of WWW interactive advertisement as experimental group to find the effects of interactivity on experience product.
As the result of the experiment, we find that high level of interactive advertisement can reduce the search cost of the experience product, let consumers produce virtual experience and transform experience attributes to search attributes. Besides, due to the high degree of interactivity, interactive advertisement also increases consumers’ purchase intention for experience product.
起訖頁 101-128
關鍵詞 互動性虛擬經驗遙距臨場感心流搜尋產品經驗產品InteractivityVirtual experienceTelepresenceFlowSearch productExperience productPuchase intention
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200603 (8:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 ERP系統導入之績效評估--傳統產業之個案實證研究
該期刊-下一篇 基於Fuzzy MCDM之附屬品協商交易策略探討




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