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An Empirical Case Study for ERP Implementation in Conventional Industy
作者 黃宇翔郭旻翰
台灣經濟的成長與傳統產業之發展息息相闕,傳統產業的努力對於台灣經濟奇蹟的創造有不可磨滅的貢獻。不過受限於先天體質問題,例如規模太小、資金來源有限、成本偏高、土地取得不易等。加上近幾年來台灣傳統產業因整體國家情勢的改變而面對新的衝擊,例如加入世界貿易組織 (WTO) 將使企業面臨全球化的競爭、資訊科技突飛猛進使面臨著人力及資訊技術上能力不足問題、周圍亞洲低工資人力充沛國家的競爭及大陸經濟力量的崛起,將面對成本的競爭。對於上述狀況,企業可以採取一些措施以確保競爭力,如生產基地移至大陸,越南等人力資源充沛國家,或採取合理化、網路化、多角化、國際化、大型化轉型策略,將企業帶到另一個競爭層次。企業轉型的策略都需要建構在資訊的基礎上,來提供企業運行所需要的基本情報,而ERP就是這個資訊基礎的核心。在此環境下本文主要探討ERP系統導入之績效實證,特別是在傳統產業進行ERP導入的工作,所會面對的挑戰,主要方向在整個ERP導入的績效評估並與實際發生的個案狀況立相比較。藉以產出對個案公司經營管理及ERP導入之績效進行討論。以為往後相同企業問題提供-解決方案的參考依據。從研究結果可以發現傳統產業在導入ERP上是有其必要與效果,在導入後基本的效益上如資料的一致性、正確性、及時性上都有效果出現,而在其他效益上則依據導入時間長短會比較慢出現。
It is known that the conventional industry contributes to the economical success of Taiwan for the last few decades. However, due to the relatively small corporate scale, restricted financial resouce, and inefficient operating technique, the survival of the conventional industry is a tough task in the environment of globalization and information economy. In such challenging situation, to integate the corporate resources for aligning with the corporate strategy by effective information technology is a feasible approach for staying competive in the global market. The enterprice resouce planning (ERP) would be a possible solution for the conventional industry to regain the vivid competition, since it implements the concept of supply chain management which would improve the industry with lower costs and higher quality to provide better products or services. In this paper, we investigated the implementing performance of ERP in the conventional industry by a case study. We first construct the dimensions for evaluation, and then through the field surveys and interviews for collecting data, we performed a ROI analysis to compare the prior and posterior performances about implementing EPR in the case company. A few discussions and suggestions were made for future practices and researches.
起訖頁 65-100
關鍵詞 績效評估ERPPerformance evaluation
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200603 (8:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用模糊層級分析法分析消費者對行動加值服務之偏好
該期刊-下一篇 互動廣告對經驗產品屬性轉換之研究




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