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The Effects of User Interface and Information Transmitted Speed to a Customer-Oriented E-Government Design
作者 陳啟光鄭傑升林大舜于長禧
本文主要探討使用者介面與網路傳輸速度兩項因素,對於建構顧客導向電子化政府之影響。有鑑於電子化政府的概念自從1993年美國提出之後,世界各國均紛紛提出類似的計畫,但是目前仍相當缺乏使用者觀點之成效評估,因此本研究乃嘗試以民眾使用電子化政府的主觀認知進行 (1) 使用者介面 (2) 網路傳輸管道等兩項因子之實證研究。本研究採用2X2之實驗設計,探討四組不同實驗條件之民眾使用滿意度。在資料傳輸管道方面,進行電話撥接 (56K) 與寬頻網路 (256K)之比較。在使用者介面方面,進行二維文字圖片靜態介面與三維環場虛擬影像動態介面之比較。究結果顯示: (1) 在網路傳輸速度方面,民眾使用電話撥接與寬頻網路兩者之滿意度具有顯著差異; (2) 在使用者介面,民眾使用傳統二維介面與三維環場虛擬影像導覽介面之滿意度,亦具有顯著差異。同時我們發現該兩項因子存在交立作用,亦即民軍對於三維環場虛擬影像導覽介面之評價,僅有在寬頻網路環境才能顯現高滿意度。另外,民眾對於網路傳輸速度與使用介面的滿足,將有助於他們對電子化政府全面滿意度的提升。
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a customer-oriented c-government in terms of user interface and information transmitted speed, which is a two-factorial design. E-government has been a popular topic in the public service area recently. However, according to the literature, we found most of them were merely focused on the action plan of how to implement it. Few studies were conducted for the evaluation of their outcomes. In this paper, we conduct a survey of a local e-government design from eleven subjective dimensions which are the most concerns by the end users. The results of this study show that information transmitted speed and user interface are the two crucial factors to increase user satisfaction. Further, the former factor is more important than the later one. Generally speaking, the information security is still one of the most concern factors concerned by users.
起訖頁 313-332
關鍵詞 電子化政府顧客導向成效評估寬頻網路三維環場設計E-governmentCustomer-orientedPublic serviceInformation technology
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200512 (7:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 A Comparative Study of Users' Role in ERP Software and BPM Software Implementation




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