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The Moderating Effects of Information Technology on Inter-Firm Collaboration: the Case of Central-Satellite System in Taiwan
作者 施信佑 (Hsin-Yu Shih)吳至倫佘日新
在資訊科技與網際網路正迅速的促進商業交易模式的發展,具備資訊科技的商業交易在近幾年來正改變著全球的產業架構。在資訊工業策進會 (2004) 的研究指出企業間採用網際網路已高達81%。協同商務自美國導入以來,已成為最近幾年跨公司間合作時企業改造的重要推力。更是帶給我們思考企業間導入資訊科技對其合作影嚮的新思維。本篇研究採用Penrose (1959) 及Bruce, Leverick, Littler and Wilson (1995) 的觀點,將企業合作的成功因素分為企業內部(公司本身的能力),企業外部(跨公司間的信任、規範及知識分享) ,分別探討資訊科技與合作的成功因章對合作滿意度的調節效果。本研究以因素分析與迴歸分析為資料分析方法並以中衛體系體商1051家廠商進行實証分析研究的對象。研究發現資訊科技與企業自身的能力及跨公司間的規範對合作滿意具有正向的調節效果。另外企業間較常採用電子郵件作為協同合作的資訊科技。
Information technology (IT) and Internet expedite business evolution in an unimaginable manner. IT-enabled business transactions taking place in the past decade fundamentally changed industrial structure in the global scale. Collaborative Commerce, being introduced from the United State, has become the major business reengineering thrust in the inter-firm contents in the past few years. IT tools and business protocols such as collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment arise to be the focal concern of future competition. In this study, we combined fim’s internal and external factors to review how IT influences the collaboration between firms. We proposed that IT moderates the influences of fim’s internal and external factors on cooperative satisfaction. Empirical results show that IT has the interactions with the fim’s capability and norms on cooperative satisfaction. Additionally, fims adopt E-mail as their frequent collaborative IT tool.
起訖頁 191-214
關鍵詞 協同商務資訊科技協同績效Collaborative CommerceInformation TechnologyCollaborative Performance
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200506 (7:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 Virtual Team Performance of Web - Mediated Communication Systems




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