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The Accumulation of Core Resources in High Velocity Environment: Four Cases in the On Line Game Industry
作者 陳禹辰胡惠萍
網際網路基礎建設快速發展,促使遊戲軟體產業不再受限於單機環境,讓玩家可以突破時空限制,在線上遊戲(Online Game)的虛擬世界中,與其他玩家共同形成角色扮演之社群。這不僅顛覆遊戲的設計方向,更改變了傳統遊戲軟體產業的經營模式;業者需要更快速累積能力與資源,以因應經營環境之變遷。依據資源基礎(Resource Based View,RBV)理論之觀點,組織核心資源需要經過長時間的學習與累積。新進者或因缺乏足夠資源而居於劣勢;成熟業者則可能受限於核心僵固性,未能快速因應調整組織資源之組合。本研究探討RBV的適用性,理解經營團隊如何快速的調整組織,讓組織成員間經由知識學習、分享與累積,調整資源組合以面對環境變遷之挑戰。
The rapid progress of Internet related technologies enables game industry, a new business model of on-line game. To respond and to gain a competitive advantage, players in this industry must build quickly a new combination of core resources. However, according to the Resource-based View of Firms, this initiative involves a long process of organizational learning and adaptation to accumulate the needed resources. During this process, new entrants might face difficulties due to the tight time pressure; on the other hand, established firms may get stuck in the middle due to the core rigidity inherited from the past. This study investigates the applicability of the RBV as a strategic guide of the firms in game industry, and understands how managers in this industry conquer successful1y the barriers in adapting the complex combination of their firm’s resources. The implications of the empirical evidence to the refinement of RBV theory are also discussed.
起訖頁 15-34
關鍵詞 環境變遷核心資源競爭優勢線上遊戲網際網路core resourceenvironmental changecompetitive advantageInterneton-line game
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200503 (7:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 以快取服務提升電子商務網站收益之研究
該期刊-下一篇 跨足兩岸產業在規劃引進資訊系統之探討--以A公司為例




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