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Enhancing the Profitability of an EC Website with a New Cache Replacement Policy
作者 陳亭志黃汝棋
Document caching service is usually provided by an EC website to lower the burden of the system server and to promote the quality of service of the website. However, limited to the capacity of the cache server, not all documents of the website can be simultaneously kept on the cache server. As a result, “cache miss” happens when a document requested by a customer does not exist on the cache server. A good cache control mechanism can significantly reduce the probability of cache miss. Among all the factors influencing the performance of caching service, document replacement policy is undoubtedly the most critical. There have been many researches devoted to developing efficient cache document replacement policies, but most of them did not consider whether the cached information was value-added to the EC website or not. As a result, the cache server might keep responding to the requests of pure browsers instead of fulfilling the needs of customers that will purchase in the website. To solve this problem, a new cache document replacement policy considering the values of web pages is proposed in this study. A web page is considered to be more valuable if it’s associated with a purchasing behavior. To evaluate the performance of the proposed cache document replacement policy, an experimental system has been constructed in this study.
起訖頁 1-14
關鍵詞 資訊價值快取置換機制Information ValueCache Replacement PolicyEC
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200503 (7:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 快速變遷環境下核心資源之累積:遊戲產業之多個案研究




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