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Dreyer's "Whiteness" and another Dimension: From Color as Subtraction of Images to Supremacist Paintings
作者 李佩盈
Dreyer's cinematic vision is often regarded as painterly due to his stylistic black-and-white images. However, his black-and-white films are not exclusively achromatic; on the contrary, they are inhabited by one of his major concerns: an abstract color space. Indeed, Dreyer's use of white makes his black-and-white films more than merely black and white, as they seem achieve the ideal of "the autonomy of color" proposed by Eisenstein. In terms of the idea of a "migration of images," this essay intends to bridge two concepts: Dreyer's whiteness, and the Fourth dimension in supremacist paintings. White as that found in oil paintings in "Day of Wrath", the foggy "white of Vampyr", and the cold white of Ordet, such whiteness is the very essential force at work in the "Subtraction of images" - an approach peculiar to Dreyer, and which suggests that he approaches Malevich's minimalist gesture in "Black Square". In Dreyer's cinema, the represented figures transcend the representational function and a pure quality, thus transcending and emerge out of the represented frames. Additionally, the whiteness of the faces in close-up in "The Passion of Joan of Arc" seems to espouse the concept of the absolute minimum and infinity espoused in Malevich's "White on White". It seems likely from these heterogeneous "frames" that a "zero of form" phenomenon could come into being and, one hopes, give rise to a non-linear cluster of images.
起訖頁 3-30
關鍵詞 德萊葉Dreyer白色White影像遷徙Migration of images顏色自治Autonomy of color四度空間Fourth dimension至上主義Suprematism馬列維奇Malevich減法影像Subtraction of image
刊名 藝術學研究  
期數 201412 (15期)
出版單位 國立中央大學藝術學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 分析王家衛的《花樣年華》從第275個鏡頭到第298個鏡頭:上下樓梯的女人、走廊與迷宮、電影與它的皺褶




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