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An Analysis on the Influence of Adolescents Early Deviant Values and association with deviant peers in longitudinal crime
作者 許春金蔡田木鄭凱寶
The purpose of this article is understand the relationship among early deviant values, association with deviant peers relationships and longitudinal official criminal records, we use the Sheu's Study on Early Prediction of Juvenile Delinquency in 1997 which sample consisted of 817 junior high school students and reformatory inmates in northern Taiwan who participated in, and explored their official criminal records over the following 11 years (1997-2007). The finding of this article showed that:(l) Male early deviant values, association with deviant peers relationships are higher, but there are no significant difference between education of parents. (2)Those who have complete family and father have stable work have less deviant peers, but there are no significant difference in early deviant values. (3)Early deviant peers influenced on the persistence and change in offending, but not significant on early deviant values. (4) Adolescent's gender, complete family, and early deviant peers influence on their longitudinal official criminal records, but not including their early deviant values.
起訖頁 109-139
關鍵詞 早期偏差價值觀早期偏差友伴長期犯罪early deviant valuesearly deviant peerslongitudinal official criminal recordscrim
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201212 (4:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 家庭暴力經驗、復原力與台南市都會區國中生自我傷害行為之關聯性研究




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