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Junior high school students have witnessed marital violence and deviant behaviors Relevance Study —— Chiayi City public junior high school as an example
作者 楊芳梅
The main purpose of this study was to explore the witness domestic violence and deviant behavior between specific study with the following objectives: To explore the different personal background variables of parents of junior high school students saw the difference in marital violence to explore the junior high school students have witnessed marital violence and deviant behavior the relationship between the parents of junior high school students have witnessed marital violence on the predictive power of deviant behavior. In this study the object of study in order to Chiayi City, mainly junior high school students, the school is based on a sample of Chiayi City public school students in 96 school year, taking the whole roster of Chiayi City public junior high, the total extracted 1680 persons (35 persons per class). This study used self-report questionnaire for junior high school students a way to test facilities, and research tools are light of Cheng Jui-lung (2006) published the "Child Abuse and Prevention and juvenile deviation, " a book of experience of family life and behavior of juvenile Questionnaire questionnaire deviant behavior of young people self-report scale based and in accordance with the translation of the revised CTS2 made of marital violence scale, a questionnaire survey method, and select the appropriate subject of this research needs of the junior high school students as a measure of the behavior of indicators. Measurement tools include witnessing marital violence and scales, junior high school students and other deviant behavior scale, this study used SPSS10.0 descriptive statistics, hypothesis tests, regression analysis. The results showed: 1. This study concluded that marital violence, the number of very serious dark notification, 2. The different backgrounds of the junior high school students witnessing marital violence, there are significant differences, 3. Junior high school students witnessing marital violence, and deviant behaviors were significantly associated, 4. witnessing marital violence can be effectively predict the behavior of junior high school students deviation. Comprehensive findings of this study we can see witnessing marital violence can predict deviant behavior, according to research data show that witnessing marital violence and less. In the study recommendations, this study suggests that government agencies should work to domestic violence and the notification mechanism of transparency and certainty to implement the integration of resources to facilitate counseling battered family assistance, to strengthen pre-marital education and advocacy; school teachers to marriage agencies to strengthen violence, identification and counseling knowledge, the implementation of advocacy for students of domestic violence-related knowledge, the introduction of psychologists and social workers, teachers on every campus in support of counseling efforts; parents first, ready to raise their children as parents of renewable pay attention to children's spiritual needs, not to neglect verbal violence, and proper disposal of husband and wife marriage relationship to reduce the impact on children.
起訖頁 37-69
關鍵詞 目睹父母婚姻暴力偏差行為witness domestic violencedeviation behavior
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 200912 (1:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 焦點解決取向團體諮商對中偏差行為學生之輔導研究
該期刊-下一篇 非行少年之雙軸性(時間軸與人際軸)自我概念:以誠正中學收容少年為例




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