中文摘要 |
未來導向自我概念(可能自我 possible selves)是一組關於人們如何看待自己未來的希望以及未來的恐懼的自我概念(Markus and Nirius, 1986)。這樣的自我狀態也會受到來自少年朋友或師長等方面人際關係而來的建議而改變。本研究係針對新竹誠正中學收容之非行少年203位為研究對象,由研究者親訪並實際實施調查後回收有效問卷199份。研究工具為研究者參考Markus, et al.(1986)所自編之時間軸自我概念(希望可能自我以及害怕可能自我)開放式問卷以及人際軸自我概念封閉式量表。研究發現:1.非行少年所反應的希望可能自我數量較害怕可能自我數量多,在反應內容部分亦出現差異。非行少年針對自我設定的希望目標或是擔心的害怕,其具體實現行動或是趨避行動並不多,並且具體實現性亦不高。2.在希望可能自我部分,非行少年反應出最多與物質享受有關的希望可能自我目標,此外就是與自身相關的短期收容狀況結束的自我目標。另外在本研究中也發現有些少年回答出與傳統社會價值觀相違背的、與犯罪行為親和度更高的希望可能自我目標,原因除了是少年對於問卷填答採取胡鬧態度外,其背後的真正原因,應由相關輔導老師繼續輔導追蹤。3•受試少年提出較少具體行動以實現希望或避免害怕,本部分有可能因為少年身處於收容環境中,其日常行動受到收容學校管制,因之無法對自己的人生規劃做出進一步的具體實現行動。4.受試少年對於自我目標設定較為重視自己的能力及經驗評估,而較無法產生符合社會傳統價值標準的自我目標。 |
英文摘要 |
The future orientation of self concept (poosible selves) is about how people hope for and fear of their own future (Markus and Niruis, 1986). Possble selves are not only based on the people's private experiences, but also influenced by other people's suggestions such as psrents, teachers, and friends. The present study examed the youth inmates of Chengjheng High School in Shinchu about their possble selves by an open-answer possible selves questionaire and about their interpersonal selves by a 5-point Likert scale. The results suggested that: 1. The youth inmates had more reponsese of positive hope for possible selves then negative fear of possible selves. However, youth inmates had less concrete behavioral plan to make the hope become true or avoid the fear of possible selves. 2. The youth inmates answered their positive hope for selves most of the enjoyment of material dimension and thfy hope to finish their jail lives quickly. Some inmates answered their possible selves iabout the illegal way, this may due to their illegal experiences in the past. 3. The youth inmates had less concrete behavioral plans for their self goals may be due to that they are controlled by the school, so they can not have real activities to fulfill their hope. 4. The youth inmates emphasized their own expereinces when they decide their future goal, but they paid less attention to those goals of traditional values. |