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作者 陳計堯
This paper looks at the migration of aborigines in the Sun-Moon Lake region from 1815 to 1934 in order to understand the historical contacts between different from 1815 to 1934 in order to understand the historical contacts between different aboriginal tribes (she) in the region. Previous research has utilized a concept of 'ethnicity' (tzu-ch'un) introduced during the Japanese colonial period; however, this has led to a divergence between depictions in Ch'ing literary records and Japanese ethnographies. I re-examine the growth of geographical and ethnographic knowledge of the sun-Moon Lake region, chat=rt the migration patterns of seven aboriginal tribes (the shui, T'ou, valan, shen-lu, she-tzu, Fu-ku, and Mu-chi-lan she), and detail the land reclamation and migration in the area by Han settlers. The patterns of migration of these aborigines suggests that they formed a collective 'group' with a strong internal cohesion during the nineteenth century. As a result, although some of the aboriginal tribes had initially settled in dispersed areas, in the end they chose to live together and form one settlement. The boundaries demarcating this group, moreover, differ greatly from the area traditionally ascribed to the Shui-sha-lien or Shao tribe and distinguish them from the plains aborigines (p'ing-p'u tzu) who migrated into the region in the nineteenth century.
起訖頁 81-134
關鍵詞 日月潭地區原住民集體遷移開墾水沙連
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 200104 (7:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 林占梅的書畫藝術世界--以「潛園琴餘草」為主要分析依據
該期刊-下一篇 日治後期臺灣合作農倉功能試探




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