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華人前瞻研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Cross-strait cooperation in financial industry can create a win-win?
作者 趙永祥
After the two sides signed the ECFA, cross-strait financial cooperation should seize the opportunity of the times and create new financial bureau, The authorproposesten-point proposal detailing practice of specific recommendations for cross-strait financial cooperation as referencesfor future cooperation on both sides of financial industry.Taiwan's trade dependence on China isincreasingfor the past ten years, especially the rapid economic improvement inChina,the main performances are to diversify the economy, the adjustment of industrial structure, consumption values, rapid technological innovation, and stimulating IT industryby high technological methods.not only the general domestic and foreign enterprises are facing more and more challenges, butalso many SMEs in the business field also face more severe challenge.This study was mainly to investigate the cross-strait cooperation in financial industry, in addition, to analyze whether can create a win-winsituation, and create the synergy of cooperation, on the other hand, current industrial development of Taiwan must have sufficient financial resources to fund to enterprises is important.Taiwan and mainland China are partsof the relative economy inworld economy; therefore, this study was to investigate the possible successful methods toward financial industry cooperation, and accessing to changes in international economy.The changes in China's economic structure, and the composition of Chinese financial institutions and the problems faced by financial institutions in Taiwan matter the future cooperation outcomes. The author provides practicalpatternsand practicesof corporate financial support as suggestions, to serve as referencesfor future cooperation on both sides of cross-straitfinancial industry.
起訖頁 53-68
關鍵詞 兩岸金融金融產業中國金融機構國際經濟cross-strait financialfinancial industryChina's financial institutionsinternational economy
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201411 (10:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 零售業便利商店展店特性之探究--以數學模型推導
該期刊-下一篇 論宜蘭西王母信仰




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