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The Development of Posttraumatic Growth Scale-Taking 921 Earthquake for Example
作者 葉怡梅陳婉真 (Wan-Chen Chen)蔡麗珍 (Li-Jane Tsai)
The main purpose of this study was to develop a quantitative measure to assess posttraumatic growth, and to discuss the variables of different background in posttraumatic growth. In this study, the authors tried to develop the Posttraumatic Growth Scale according to 4 in-depth interviews with the survivors in 921 Earthquake. After revision from pretest of 96 samples, the study used snowball sampling to get the 236 survivors in 921 Earthquake as the sample of questionnaires, and was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis to test the reliability and validity of this scale. The findings were suggested that the Posttraumatic Growth Scale demonstrated the good reliability and validity, and was a quite good measurement. The initial findings suggested the scores on the scale had significant difference in different damage, rebuilding, core belief challenge, social support, deliberate rumination and narrative.
起訖頁 25-45
關鍵詞 創傷創傷後成長驗證性因素分析traumaposttraumatic growthconfirmatory factor analysis
刊名 德明學報  
期數 201412 (38:2期)
出版單位 德明財經科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 「あとつぎ」(事業継承)問題の台日文化比較--新聞記事のGTA分析を通して
該期刊-下一篇 青少年個人家庭背景、主觀肥胖認知、運動及飲食行為對身體質量指數之影響研究




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