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教育經營與管理研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An exploration into the relationship betweenlearning style, motivation and satisfaction of continue educational students - An example of Institute of Continuation Education
作者 賴美嬌蔡武德
本研究旨在尋求提昇繼續教育品質,使符合教育部訪視工作之需求,研究工作是依據進修學院教育需求面(學習動機與型態)與結果面(滿意度),及二者之關係,設計量表,針對進修學院二技學制學生發出問卷,調查並收集資料,藉由統計軟體SPSS分析結果,最後加以討論並與相關之學者研究相比較。本研究結果發現如下: 1.需求面:進修學院學生之學習動機主要為充實新知、改進技術和提昇專業資格,使其在態度和行為上產生改變,以符合社會期望,年齡高者其學習動機高於年齡低者。 2.結果面:進修學院學生與教師互動良好,老師會因學生需求而調整教材或教文法,以滿足學生之需求,因此對教師教學滿意度高,且年齡高者其學習滿意度高於年齡低者;進修學院對學習環境不滿,因為進修學院借用正規大學的校舍與設備,其軟硬體和學生之職場環境或家庭比較,在現代化、電子化方面顯得不足。 3.關聯性:學習動機與滿意度成正相關,即學生學習動機取向愈高,則學習滿意度愈高,然而學習型態與學習動機或學習滿意度並無顯著相關。
This research aims to report the relationship between the continuation educational students' motivation, learning styles and satisfaction. The concrete objective includes understanding the motivation for the continuation educational students' to back school for continue learning; the learning styles of students. The relationships between the three factors is further explored under different environments. The commendations are therefore based on the findings as the reference for those institutes, which may be interested.
The data was collected and analyzed through software SPSS 11.0. Both literature review and questionnaire survey were utilized. The sampling was drawn from an institute of Continuation Education in southern Taiwan. Finally, according to the results and investigations, findings and conclusions were come up along with recommendations.
1. The learning motivation in continue education is higher in average, particularly in knowledge pursuit. They also demonstrate high appreciation toward the improvement of skill and professional te4chniques to meet social expectation. In addition, the motivation of elder students is higher than younger students.
2. The interactions between lecturers and students are well, and lecturers tolerate the teaching materials or methods to meet the requirements of students, so that the degrees of satisfaction are high. Moreover, the older I age, the higher in satisfaction.
3. The students of continue education are unsatisfied with the study environment, due to old buildings and out of data facilities.
4. There is a positive correlation between learning motivation and satisfaction, it means that the higher learning motivation, the higher leaning satisfaction.
However, there is no statistical correlation between learning styles and motivations, neither between learning styles and satisfaction.
起訖頁 189-209
關鍵詞 繼續教育整合性品質管理過程模式學習型態學習動機學習滿意度Continue educationLearning stylesMotivationSatisfaction
刊名 教育經營與管理研究集刊  
期數 200501 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 私立大學校院內部行銷作為與顧客導向之關聯性研究——以S科技大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 創新管理與學校創新經營




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