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Hino Ashihei and war-time writing by Japanese in Taiwan under Japanese rule
作者 林慧君
This article uses the fascist aestheticization of war to compare Hino Ashihei's wartime literature Wheat and Soldiers and war novels of Japanese authors in Taiwan. Compared to the realist literature expressed through the actual war experiences of Hino Ashihei, Japanese authors in Taiwan use Taiwan as an aesthetic object. Writings about places outside of Taiwan not only reflect the colonial perspective, but this type of wartime colonial writing reflects the fact that literary standards in a decisive war system were being remotely controlled by the central literary field in Japan. In order to explore the correlation between the Taiwanese literary arena and the Japanese literary arena, this article observes the colonial appearance of Japanese authors, the colonial translation of texts, to official and media manipulation, and to reader responses, by placing the wartime novels of Japanese in Taiwan in the context of the development of imperial war literature. In turn, this paper considers the literary aestheticization produced by the high degree of compliance of Japanese writers the colonies toward the ruling institutions, and approaches the national strategy development for the propagation of the Japanese spirit and return to the cultural tradition.
起訖頁 31-61
關鍵詞 日據時期小說戰爭小說在臺日人火野葦平法西斯美學Novels under Japanese ruleWar novelsJapanese in TaiwanHino AshiheiFasciest aesthetics
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201406 (24期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 舊聞新語話春申:陳定山的上海與臺北
該期刊-下一篇 離島鄉土誌書寫中的生態與性別意涵:陳淑瑤《流水帳》(臺灣澎湖)與池上永一《風車祭》(沖繩八重山)




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