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The Study of Teacher Evaluation Data Sources for Early Childhood Special Educators
作者 鐘梅菁
The data sources for ideal teacher evaluation can present the expertise of the teachers. In view of this, the Ministry of Education encourages the schools to apply to carry out teacher evaluation. The purpose of the study is to explore the data sources of teacher evaluation for early childhood special educators in Taiwan. To fulfill the stated purpose, questionnaire was applied in research. The data collected from 214 special education teachers include special school teachers, special class teachers, inclusive class teachers and itinerant teachers in kindergarten. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. The results indicate (1) the data sources of teacher evaluation for early childhood special educators verify based on the different descriptors; (2) the primary data sources in four domains of teacher evaluation were found to come from (a) portfolio in curriculum design; (b) portfolio in individualized instruction domain; (c) class observation and portfolio in teaching management domain; (d) interview in professional cooperation domain. At last, based on the findings, some suggestions of this study are provided for references in implement for teacher evaluation program and in the future study.
起訖頁 224-244
關鍵詞 教師專業評鑑評鑑資料學前特教教師Teacher evaluationData sources of teacher evaluationEarly childhood special educator
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 弱勢與非弱勢家庭學齡前幼兒的父親背景及其父職參與之研究
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒教育績效品質:一個雙向共榮的「專業發展學校」觀




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