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A Study of Pre-school Children's Father Background and Paternal Involvement with Disadvantaged and not Disadvantaged Family
作者 張瑋娟蔣姿儀 (Chiang, Tzu-Yi)林季宜
本研究旨在了解學齡前弱勢與非弱勢家庭父親父職參與的現況,並進一步探討弱勢與非弱勢父親背景與親職參與之差異。 本研究以台中市、台中縣、彰化縣與南投縣等四縣市之公私立幼托園所4-6歲幼兒父親為研究對象。以研究者改編之「父職參與問卷」為研究工具實施調查研究。本研究共計發出問卷970份,回收問卷765份,回收率為83%,取得670份有效問卷,可用率為73%。 本研究主要結論: 一、弱勢與非弱勢家庭父親背景呈現顯著差異。 二、無論是弱勢或非弱勢學齡前幼兒之父職參與現況,依序為:「子女教養」、「情感支持」、「日常照顧」與「學習活動」。 三、學齡前弱勢與非弱勢家庭父親在父親父職參與上呈現顯著之差異。
This research aims at understanding the status of preschooler's father's paternal involvement, and to analyze father's backgrounds as well as the difference of paternal involvement between the fathers those who have different backgrounds.
The subjects of this research is the father of young children 4-6 years old who study at public or private kindergartens. The searching area contains Taichung City, Taichung County, Nantou County and Changhua County. The research uses 'The evaluation chart of paternal involvement' as the study tool. This research totally sends out 970 questionnaires and retrieves 765 questionnaires, rate of retrieve 83%; 670 valid questionnaires, rate of availability 73%.
The sum up the conclusion of the research as follows:
1. The fathers' background with disadvantaged and not disadvantaged family presents obvious difference.
2. The preschooler's fathers' paternal involvement with disadvantaged and not disadvantaged family is child parenting, emotional support, life care and learning activities in order.
3. The preschooler's fathers' paternal involvement with disadvantaged and not disadvantaged family presents obvious difference.
起訖頁 196-222
關鍵詞 弱勢學齡前兒童父親父職參與DisadvantagedPreschoolerFatherPaternal involvement
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 讓故事更生動!探討引導學齡前幼兒創作數位故事之策略
該期刊-下一篇 學前特教教師專業評鑑資料之探究




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