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The Feasibility of Group Physical Activities for Infant in Child Care Center
作者 許玉齡周婉湘 (Wan-Hsiang Chou)
本研究試圖發展適合台灣托嬰中心環境的嬰幼兒團體肢體教學活動課程,並實際在五所托嬰中心執行該課程,並於執行前後進行了解與分析。本研究課程是以美國Keene State College所建議的嬰幼兒課程之「人際互動」、「教室環境與資源」、「教保內容與流程」及「家長聯繫」四項課程設計核心架構為基礎,為接受輔導之五所托嬰中心設計1-2歲嬰幼兒的團體肢體活動課程,同時探討以下兩個研究問題:第一是各托嬰中心保母在實施此團體肢體課程時,在四項核心架構上,與接受輔導前有何差異或轉變;第二是分析保母在進行此團體肢體課程時所遭遇之問題與困境為何。 本研究期間五個月,共進行了25次觀察及20次訪談,這些觀察與訪談記錄為本研究進行質性分析之資料來源,包括觀察課程進行時所拍攝之照片。結果發現托嬰中心在實施團體肢體課程後,在前述四項核心架構上有以下的轉變:在「人際互動」上,幾所托嬰中心在師生間有更親近的互動,並且以幼兒為中心的思考成份增加;在「教室環境與資源」上,所有的園所都在教具的增加及運用上有明顯的改變;在「教保內容與流程」上,幾乎所有的托嬰中心都在課程進行的形式、內容,以及課程進行時師生的位置關係上變得更為多元,在指導語上也變得更為豐富有趣;在「家長聯繫」上的轉變則較少,只有少數托嬰中心有觀察到在此項上有些微的改變。另外,本研究並發現,保母在進行團體肢體活動課程時所遭遇之間題與困境主要可分為「課程設計」、「課程資源」、及「課程進行」三大方向。本研究為台灣的托嬰中心研究踏出重要的一步,研究結果希望作為未來發展及改進托嬰中心課程之參考。
This study attempted to explore and evaluate the feasibility of infant group activities developed by the research team for child care centers in Taiwan. There are two major purposes in this study. One is to find out the practice changes of caregivers in four dimensions: personal relationships, classroom environment, family connections and caregiving routines, when the pre-designed physical activities were implemented in five child care centers. Two is to explore the difficulties and problems encountered when caregivers in the child care centers carried out the lessons.
Twenty-five classroom observations and twenty interviews with caregivers were conducted to collect research data. Results show more positive relationships between infant and caregivers, more manipulative materials used in activities, more types of group physical activities appeared in curriculum, more dynamic caregiver-child interactions, and more interesting oral guidance after using the lessons. There were, however, fewer changes in family connections. Moreover, three major difficulties were found when implementing the lessons. They are problems in lesson design, shortage of teaching resources, and challenges in classroom management. The article concludes with suggestions on possible solutions for developing group activities for toddlers as young as 1-2 years old, and calls for more research attention on the blooming business of infant care center in Taiwan.
起訖頁 108-134
關鍵詞 托嬰中心嬰幼兒課程發展肢體活動Infant care centerToddlerCurriculum developmentPhysical activities
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 幼稚園社區融合主題教學多元評量實施歷程之探究
該期刊-下一篇 改善一位幼兒同儕關係之行動研究




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