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The Investigation on the Process of Multiple Assessment Of Thematic Curriculum Embedded in Community in Kindergarten
作者 莊尤姿蔣姿儀 (Chiang, Tzu-Yi)
本研究旨在探究社區融合主題教學多元評量的實施方法,並探討在進行多元評量的過程中會遭遇到的困難,以及因應之道與解決的方法。 本研究以彰化縣快樂國小附設幼稚園為研究場域,並以其園內之幼兒、幼兒家長與教師為研究對象,透過質性訪談、觀察、問卷、文件檔案、影像與聲音等方式,收集文本及非文本之資料進行分析。 根據研究結果,本研究所研發之多元評量歷程,包括起始評量、形成性評量與總結性評量,其方式包括以課程模式「從無到有的生產創造、扮演遊戲」為觀察評量向度,在真實的教學情境做觀察評量,運用教學活動進行「實作評量」,透過幼兒在角落學習活動進行「角落評量」,配合親子主題活動的參與,設計親子學習單與觀察工具,實施「在家觀察評量回饋」。經由上述多元評量之方法建置「幼兒學習檔案評量」,以統整分析幼兒的學習,並從中檢視教學之成效。此外,在實施多元評量的過程中,會遭遇到評量工具實施方面的困難、教師多元評量信念的差異、人力不足限制,以及家長在家評量未能配合等問題,本研究並試圖針對上述問題提出因應與解決之道。
This study aimed to study the implementation method of multiple assessment and thematic curriculum embedded in community, and discusses the difficulty and solution method. The subjects of this study included children, parents, and teachers of the kindergarten that the researcher works. This study utilized qualitative method to collect texts and non-textual information through interview, observation, questionnaire, document and video and audio files.
Based on the analysis of the obtained data, multiple assessment process includes beginning assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment, applying teaching activities to do 'performance evaluation', doing 'corner evaluation' through children's learning activities in corners, and using 'creation and role play' to be the observation dimensions. Additionally, coupled with the participation of parent-child activities, this study also designed a parent-child learning list and observation tool to perform 'at-home observation evaluation feedback.' Through the above multiple assessment tools, this study collected children's thematic learning data, constructed 'children's learning file evaluation' to perform a feedback and evaluation.
Additionally, the difficulty in the process of multiple Assessment included the practice of assessment tool, limited manpower, parents cooperation, and this study proposed the solution for questions above.
起訖頁 78-106
關鍵詞 園所本位課程社區融合主題教學多元評量Kindergarten-based curriculumThematic curriculum embedded in communityMultiple assessment
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 遊戲治療方案在88水災與921地震災後兒童心理復健——一所大學介入之研究
該期刊-下一篇 托嬰中心實施嬰幼兒團體肢體活動之教學初探




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