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An Investigation OF Certified Family Child Care Providers In Taiwan
作者 段慧瑩黃馨慧 (Hsin-Hui Huang)
本研究旨在描繪我國證照保母族群特性、在職比例與投入意願等托育服務現況;及對民保母管理與參與社區保母系統情形之意見分析,以做為未來規畫保母管理與托育服務政策之參考。 研究對象為全台的43,473名丙級保母技術士證照者,以問卷郵寄方式進行調查,有效問卷回收率為23.7% 。研究發現,證照保母的教育程度與專業訓練皆有一定水準,且為中年婦女可兼顧家庭與子女之就業選擇之一。回收問卷中有五成五的保母未從事保母工作,除了保母本身生涯規劃及其他個人因素考量之外,主要未從事原因為媒合不易。在職保母平均收托1.7位嬰幼兒,且有豐富育兒經驗,對工作的滿意度偏高且願意長期投入。托育地點以保母家為主,且有其他成人協助。有四分之一的證照保母加入社區保母系統,其中八成為在職保母。未加入系統之證照保母有七成是因為未聽過或不了解而未參與,顯示政府應再積極推動保母加入社區保母系統,並建立在職保母投保公共意外責任險的機制,定期實施家訪,以維護托育品質及安全。另外,多數保母希望保母證照永久有效,但也期盼政府能提供在職訓練以維護保母品質、積極宣導證照保母之優勢、提供媒合、及協調家長與保母之間的問題。
The purposes of the study are to describe certified family child care providersⅡ(FCCP) personal and work characteristics, including in-service rate and willìngness to work as a FCCP, as well as their attitudes about regulation policy and involvement in Community Family Childcare Network (CFCN). The results may provide suggestions when drawing up FCCP regulation and in-home child care policy in the future. A mail survey was sent to 43473 certified FCCP and about 23.7% of surveys were completed and returned. The results showed that FCCP's education level and professional training were above average, and being a FCCP was one of the occupational options for middle age women who wanted to look after both family and own children. However, less than 50% of certified FCCP were in service at the time of survey, and the main reason was low success rate of referrals in addition to FCCP's personal accounts. On average, each in-service FCCP cared for 1.7 children. These in-service FCCP were experienced and satisfied in child care, and viewed their work as a long term career choice. Most FCCP provided services in their homes, and were assisted by other adults. A quarter of FCCP had enrolled in the CFCN, and among those who enrolled, about 80% were in-service FCCP. Those who did not enroll in the CFCN were mostly because they did not know about CFCN, suggesting that the government should put more efforts in promoting the CFCN, establish a mechanism for in可home child care accident insurance, and implement regular home visits to assure family child care quality and safety. In addition, most FCCP suggested that the certification should be permanently valid. However, they expected the government would provide in-service training to maintain family child care quality, actively promote certified FCCP's advantages over non-certified, provide referrals, and mediate when conflicts occurred between parents and FCCP.
起訖頁 20-50
關鍵詞 證照保母社區保母系統certified family child care provider the Community Family Childcare Network
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 200806 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 妥瑞症兒童的學習與適應相關議題探討
該期刊-下一篇 傳統的毛利口說故事一種復甦模式




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