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The Learning and Adjustment of the Tourette's Syndrome Children
作者 魏美惠 (Mei-Hue Wei)
妥瑞症(Tourette syndrome)或稱之為妥瑞氏症,它是一種遺傳性神經學疾病,常常會有眨眼睛、聳肩、清喉嚨、搖頭晃腦或說出不雅言語…等等症狀。妥瑞症患者最常見的併發症是「注意力缺陷」及「強迫性行為及思考」。這些行為常會困擾妥瑞兒的學習,且易造成他們與同儕間不良的人際關係。一般而言妥瑞症發生在男性患者身上明顯比女性多三、四倍,且大部分的妥瑞兒會在幼稚園或國小階段被診斷出來。本篇文章主要目的在於引介讀者進一步認識妥瑞症,同時探討妥瑞症兒童的學習狀況,各種能力的發展,家庭及學校相關適應問題及妥瑞症兒童的同儕互動關係及干擾性行為等等。筆者除了統整國內外妥瑞症的相關研究外,同時對家長及老師提出明確的建議。
Tourette's syndrome is a neurological disorder with a suggested genetic basis which might cause simple or complex motor tics including eye-blinking, shoulder shrugging, throat-clearing, or the coprolalia, using obscene or impolite words. TS is frequently accompanied by obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder which usually interfere TS children's learning experiences and caused to the poor relationship with other peers. According to the report TS boys were three to four times more than TS girls. Most of the TS children have been diagnosed in the kindergarten or elementary stage of studying. The purpose of this study was to help the reader to have a better understanding of the Tourette's syndrome. Based on the literature reviews, the author also discussed the possible school and family adjustment problems which most of TS children have to face as well as their family and teachers. In the end of this article, the author also provided some suggestiosns to the parents and the school teaches.
起訖頁 2-18
關鍵詞 妥瑞症學習適應強迫症注意力缺陷Tourette's syndromelearning and adjustmentobsessive-compulsiveattention deficit-hyperactivity
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 200806 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 台灣證照保母托育服務概況調查




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