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The Review on the Definition of the Labor Union Act
作者 李玉春 (Yue-Chune Lee)
The definition of labor is the core issue in the Labor Act. In accordance with Article 4 of the existing Labor Union Act, “Laborers have the right to organize and join unions”. However, the same law does not legislatively define the term labor. According to this study, the legislative purposes of the various labor laws are deemed to be not the same. Therefore, the scope of the concept of labor should be distinguished in the broad sense and the narrow sense based on the attributes of the regulations and the legislative purposes. Following the implementation of the three labor laws, the collective employment relationship in our country has formally entered a new age. According to Article 6 of the New Labor Union Act that adopts the legislative approach of union and organization diversification and liberalization, only unions established in compliance with the Labor Union Act are eligible as labor parties for concluding group labor agreements. Hence, the scope of the labor concept in the Labor Union Act should focus on whether or not there is a need, or whether or not it is appropriate to protect group bargaining. In view of this, labor in the Labor Union Act is not only limited to labor applicable to the Labor Standards Law. Other parties engaged in group bargaining with employment relationships, regardless of subordinate, are regarded as labor in accordance with the Labor Union Act.
起訖頁 205-251
關鍵詞 工會法團體協約法勞資爭議處理法勞工僱用關係從屬性團結權企業工會產業工會職業工會Labor Union ActCollective Bargaining Agreement ActAct for Settlement of Labor-Management DisputesLaborEmployment RelationshipSubordinateRight to OrganizeEnterprise UnionsIndustrial UnionsOccupation Unions
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊  
期數 201408 (44期)
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 環境風險管制之法律建制:以行政管制方法之變遷為中心




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