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The Juristic Structure of Environmental Risks Control: Focuses on Changes of Administrative Control Methods
作者 許宏達
Over time the system of administrative control focused mainly in hazard prevention. However, the traditional administrative methods are not entirely effective while dealing with environmental risks involving high uncertainty. It is necessary to adopt new control methods including cost-benefit analysis, economic incentives, cooperation between public offices and people, etc., and to gradually abandon the condition-oriented and adopt the goal-oriented law system design. The administrative control over environmental risks involves both the restriction of people's basic right and the country's obligation of protection. Risk determination is not simply a technical issue, but also involved in social construction process that contains value-judgment. While taking the environmental risk control, first and foremost is to find the allowed risk by the procedures of risk assessment and communication. In the mean time governments shall offer participating opportunities for the citizens in making risk management policy decisions. Nowadays, being the trend of environmental risk management, the precautionary principle also authorizes executive offices to take action for preventing severe or irreversible damages, even lacking actual scientific evidences. A gap still exists between European Union and The United States about whether adopting the principle. In Taiwan, the executive step of the principle is seen in the system of specific region of soil and water conservation in Soil and Water Conservation Act.
起訖頁 115-202
關鍵詞 行政管制行政法革新目的模式合作原則環境風險風險管理民眾參與社會建構成本效益分析預防原則Administrative ControlInnovation of Administrative LawThe Goal ModeThe Cooperation PrincipleEnvironmental RisksRisk ManagementPublic ParticipationSocial ConstructionCost-Benefit AnalysisThe Precautionary Principle
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊  
期數 201408 (44期)
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 論著作權對建築設計之保障
該期刊-下一篇 論工會法中勞工之範疇




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