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A Comparison between the Never Married and the Divorced Reganding the Age Thresholds of Mate Selection
作者 張榮富 (Jung-Fu Chang)
本文使用婚友網站的會員資料為樣本,探究擇偶者的婚姻史對其擇偶年齡偏好的 影響。研究得出兩個統計結果:(1)由於未婚者(從未結婚者)與離婚者擇偶時都很少會 排拒未婚異性,但都較會排拒離婚異性,因此未婚者的擇偶機會大於離婚者。(2)離 婚者比未婚者有較高的擇偶年齡偏好上、下門檻。上述兩個結果結合在一起’驗證了 本文根據「調整論」(South,1991)而延伸的研究假設:(a)處於婚姻市場上相對劣勢的 離婚者,自感配偶價值較低,將會有較高(較寛鬆)的擇偶年齡偏好上門檻,以擴展其 結婚機會。反之,處於婚姻市場上相對優勢的未婚者,自感配偶價值較高,將會有較 低(較嚴格)的年齡上門檻。(b)未婚者自感配偶價值較高,較有希望得到更低年齡異性 的青睐,因此更敢於(有自信的)表達出較低的擇偶年齡偏好下門檻。反之,處於相對 劣勢的離婚者,認為較低年齡異性拒絕他/她的可能性較高,因此設定的年齡下門檻 較未婚者高。本研究發現的理論意涵為,年齡偏好非「鐵板一塊」,除了受先天生理 因素的影響之外’擇偶機會較小的人也會1 里性的」調整年齡門檻以擴大其擇偶機會。\r「擇偶偏好」是生理因素與理性綜合運作下的結果。
Based on social exchange theory and marriage squeeze theory, this study used the data from matching website to examine the marriage market effect on the mating preference criterion difference between first marriage and second marriage. The main findings are : (1) Divorced men and women both have higher ceiling-age threshold and lower floor-height threshold than the never-married. (2) Divorced people care less about whenter he opposite sex were “once married or not” than the never-married people. (3) Divorced women have lower income threshold than never-married women. The results support the hypothesis that those who in a “worse” marriage market have a higher ceiling-age threshold and lower other criteria in order to increase their marriage opportunity.
起訖頁 083-102
關鍵詞 擇偶偏好婚姻市場婚友網站年齡偏好婚姻擠壓Mating preferencemarriage marketmarriage squeezeage preferencematching website
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類  
期數 201306 (34期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 國小導師與家長互動方式之研究—Goffman 的戲劇理論取向
該期刊-下一篇 「學前兒童社會行為評量系統」(家長評量表)之信、效度及性別群體恆等性檢定




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