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The Performance Evaluation of Special Education Administration in the City/County Governments: Meta-Evaluation and Prospect
作者 王天苗黃俊榮邱筑君
Base on the meta-evaluation perspective, this study examined the 2006 special education administration performance evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education to all city/county governments in Taiwan in regards to its practice and possible future changes of such evaluation. Firstly, 25 city/county government administrators and 27 evaluators who participated in the 2006 evaluation were surveyed with two self-designed questionnaires and, secondly, 32 administrators from special education offices in ten city/county governments were interviewed in focus-groups or individually. The meta-evaluation survey questionnaire was designed based on the Program Evaluation Standards developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (1994). As the results, most of the participants affirmed the critical impacts of the evaluation, however, the administrators reported that the information requested was less responsive to their needs and interests, heavy paper work prepared for the evaluation have severely disrupted routine work, and some evaluators showed less respects to human dignity and worth in their interactions with administrators. It was also found that the evaluation based on the unified items, criterions, and procedures was unfavorable to those counties which had less resource. In terms of future changes, the participants came to the agreements that such evaluation should concern the individuality of each city/county's resource, be focused on administration matters, reduce paper work, pay field visits to each city/county, and provide helpful assistance to the county evaluated as low performance.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 後設評鑑行政績效評鑑特殊教育Meta-evaluationPerformance evaluationSpecial education
刊名 特殊教育學報  
期數 200912 (30期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 資優教育對高中數理資優班畢業生的成就影響之探究




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