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Research on Teachers' Perceptions of Their Social Status and Professional Identity
作者 高又淑
國內尊師重道的價值取向已漸漸淡薄,教師與家長、學生之間的關係也產生轉變。本研究鑑於研究者對此現象之觀察,藉由訪談九位國中小教師,欲瞭解教師如何知覺其社會地位的轉變,以及在教師社會地位轉變的脈絡下,教師的專業認同為何與對社會地位提昇的看法。研究結果發現受訪教師知覺其社會地位降低,主要因素包括國家經濟狀況、社會變遷、媒體渲染、校外團體介入與教師專業素質的問題。專業認同的改變則顯 現於對學生管教及自身教學專業的質疑,另綜合分析得知教師對自身專業的認知,已由以往權威取向轉變成服務取向,受訪教師亦認為專業地位的建立無助於教師社會地位的提升。
The value orientation of our society about respect for teachers has changed, so have the relationships among teachers, parents, and students. The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore how teachers perceived their social status, and how teachers constructed their profes- sional identity and what they thought about the promotion of their social status by interviewing nine teachers from elementary and junior high schools. The findings revealed that teachers per- ceived their significantly lower social status for the last decade which was caused by the status of national economy, the societal and cultural transformation, media effects, interventions of outside groups, and problems with teachers’ quality. Teachers’ professional identity in teaching profession and student behavior management might change under the context of teachers’ lower social status. Teachers considered themselves as the same status as workers in the service indus- try. Finally, they did not agree that professional development efforts would change their social status.
起訖頁 27-56
關鍵詞 教師社會地位知覺教師專業認同教師專業發展teachers' perceptions of their social statusteachers' professional identityteachers' professional development
刊名 教師專業研究期刊  
期數 201406 (7期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 捲土重來:教師復原力之個案探究
該期刊-下一篇 讓「結構」協助聽說讀寫的語文表現




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