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The Instructional Design of Case Method Combined With Role-Playing in the Soil and Groundwater Training Courses
作者 華梅英 (Mei-Yin Hwa)周鴻騰 (Hong-Teng Chow)王順美 (Shun-Mei Wang)
環境污染問題大部分都是人類所造成的,未來的公害防治從業人員除了能掌握環境工程的專業理論與技術之外,更需要體會污染案例中不同利害關係人的立場,將能提升從業人員解決環境問題的能力。本研究旨在開發案例教學法結合角色扮演之教學設計,應用於土壤及地下水種子人才培育課程。以雲林縣溝皂里六價鉻污染為案例,讓81 名學員分組,組內學員分別扮演皮革工廠老闆、在地農民、環保局人員、土水專業人員等4 個不同角色,彼此討論與協商後,共同提出解決鉻污染的策略。本研究採單組後測實驗設計,包括滿意度分析與相關分析,研究結果發現:(1)各組學員從角色扮演中所提出的解決策略可歸納為:「相互溝通」、「建立共識」與「組成環保委員會」以共同面對鉻污染問題。(2) 80%以上學員滿意案例角色扮演的教學方式,也認為在調查的知識與技能上有所收穫。學員在合作學習與角色扮演的參與程度,與學習滿意度呈現中度正相關性。最後,研究者反思教學設計與歷程,提出相關建議。
Almost all environmental problems are caused by human. Besides being good at environmental engineering theory and technology, to enhance the ability to solve environmental problems, the environmental practitioners need a closer understanding of the stance of different stakeholders. This study is an instructional design combining both "case method" and "role-playing" into the "Soil and Groundwater Talent Training Courses" in Taipei. The curriculum is based on the hexavalent chromium pollution case in Yunlin County. Each group of students is encouraged to play four roles, inculding leather factory owners, farmers, environmental officials, and soil testing professionals. Each group of students has to propose solution strategies after discussion and consultation. The study adopts a single group posttest design. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed through proportion and Pearson correlation. Results were as follows: (1) The solution strategies identified by the students include: "mutual communication", "consensus-building", and "the formation of an environmental committee". (2) More than 80% of students were satisfied with the instruction, and they found it helpful in terms of knowledge and skills in doing surveying. A moderate positive correlation exists between students’ participation and learning satisfaction. A reflection concerning this instruction design along with some recommendations are provided.
起訖頁 103-132
關鍵詞 六價鉻污染角色扮演案例教學法case methodhexavalent chromium pollutionrole-playing
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201312 (26:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 來聽一首跨國交響曲:一位國中英語教師在國際專案教學的實踐與轉化歷程
該期刊-下一篇 負數史與負數教學中的美感意涵




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