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Experience and Context in the Implementation of Cross-National Projects: A Story of an English Teacher in a Junior High School
作者 陳貞君 (Jen-Jun Chen)
國際專案學習為中小學國際教育重點推動項目之一,作者投入iEARN(International Education and Resource Network)推動的國際專案教學多年,從一開始不瞭解到全心投入其中,發現國際專案教學對學生的學習影響顯著。本文採自我敘事探究,站在詮釋性立場,以省思的角度縱貫呈現作者的國際專案教學的實踐歷程,並分析在專案實踐中,教師從國際專案的生手教師,變成靈巧、熟練實施國際專案的經驗教師之轉化過程。本研究搜集作者實施iEARN 專案過程的相關紀錄,以多元資料來源、多元比較分析的方式確認國際專案實踐的階段:(1)初始階段,緩慢穩定的接觸國際專案;(2)積極投入iEARN 社群核心,走向國際;(3)堅定志向,持續參與國際專案。本文以跨國交響曲為隱喻,詮釋作者的轉化是一個多元層面(包括個人、實踐、結果和外在四個層面,以及反思和制訂行動兩個中介過程)互相關聯的歷程;國際專案帶來培養全球視野與關鍵能力、創造真實學習情境和激發學習動機等多元學習效益。
As the white paper on international education for primary and secondary schools was released in April 2011, integrating cross-national projects into current schools' curricula has been a core strategy promoted by the government for implementing international education at schools. This paper reports on my experiences and the context in which the iEARN projects is implemented in a junior high school. Using self-narratives, I discuss my own cross-national project experiences in the past ten years and my connection with the iEARN international community. At a reflective stance, I seek to discover and understand what iEARN means for my students and myself in our context, the effects of cross-national projects, and the process of teacher change. My experiences revealed that teacher change was a dynamic and interconnected process, involving multiple pathways among the personal domain, the domain of practice, the domain of consequence, and the external domain through the mediation of reflection and enactment. In addition, cross-national projects helped develop global vision and key competences, create authentic learning contexts, and motivate students to learn English.
起訖頁 067-102
關鍵詞 自我敘事探究教師轉化國際教育國際專案cross-national projectinternational educationself-narrativesteacher change
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201312 (26:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 青少年線上閱讀素養評量工具之發展
該期刊-下一篇 案例教學法結合角色扮演於土壤及地下水人才培育課程之教學設計




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