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國小教師對學校心理契約的期望與實踐知覺之探討   全文下載 全文下載
Exploring Elementary School Teachers’ Expectation toward School Psychological Contract and Their Perceptions toward its fulfillment
作者 吳淑鈴靳國芬
心理契約的概念被視為是一項瞭解雇主與員工間互惠雇用關係的重要因素,本文針對國小教師的心理契約進行研究,以瞭解教師對於學校義務的期望及對於學校落實程度的知覺。本研究以新竹縣公立國小教師為抽樣對象,藉由問卷調查,來瞭解教師對於學校在心理契約內涵實踐程度的知覺以及期望程度,總計發放41所學校共650份問卷,回收有效問卷為549份,有效回收率為84.46%。實證結果發現:1. 教師對於心理契約各項內涵皆有相當高的期待,尤其是對學校在環境支援的提供與體恤教職部屬的程度有較高的期望;2.教師對於學校在心理契約的落實程度上僅有中等程度的知覺,其中教師知覺到學校在建立人情關懷的落實程度上最低;3.心理契約在教師期望與知覺學校實踐程度有明顯的差距,且期望得分均高於知覺學校落實程度的得分,尤其在體恤教職部屬方面,教師的期望與知覺落差最大。根據上述研究結果,本研究進一步提出學校行政管理及教師心態調整方面的建議。
The concept of psychological contract has been viewed as an important factor to understand the reciprocal employment relationship between employee and employer. This study explored the psychological contract of teachers in elementary school in order to understand teachers’ expectations of school board authority’s obligations and perception of how school fulfilled their obligations. A survey method was adopted in this study and the public elementary school teachers in Hsinchu city and country were selected as the research participants to investigate teachers’perception and expectations of the fulfillment of their psychological contract. A total of 650 questionnaires were released, 549 valid questionnaires were received. The valid return rate was 84.46%. The findings of the study are as follows: First, teachers have high expectation about their content of psychological contract especially in the dimension of environmental support provided by the school and the degree that schools show consideration for teaching staff. Secondly, Teachers only perceived middle level fulfillment of psychological contract from their schools with the lowest scores reported in the dimension of establishing human care practice. Thirdly, a significant difference between teachers’ expectation of psychological contract and their perception of the fulfillment of psychological contract is found. Teachers’ expectation scores are significantly higher than their perception scores with the largest difference in the dimension of being considerate of teaching staff. Based on above results, a number of suggestions regarding school administration and the adjustment of teachers’ attitude were proposed in this study.
起訖頁 058-082
關鍵詞 國民小學教師心理契約雇用關係Elementary School TeacherPsychological ContractEmployment Relationship
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201311 (88期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 組織健康概念在學校組織之應用
該期刊-下一篇 國民教育階段家長參與學校事務之探討




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