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Leadership and Risk Management: Learning from OurMistakes
作者 Benjamin Rush (Benjamin Rush)吳冠璋 (GuanJangWu)
臺灣的山林豐富,地形變化多端,適合發展多元的戶外冒險活動,如健行、登山、攀岩、獨木舟等。近年來各類戶外冒險組織逐漸興起,學校與老師也逐漸重視此類活動 對學生的正面影響與價值意涵。對上班族來說,戶外休閒亦提供了最佳舒壓的方式與場域。然而戶外活動有其風險,尤其從最近層出不窮的人為與自然意外事件中,促使戶外 冒險領域從業者重視風險管理的重要性。風險無法避險,但是可以透過規範、要求等方式來降低。本文作者檢視過去活動中所犯的錯誤,並介紹實用的風險管理工具,希望能 夠透過實務的探討來幫助戶外活動指導員做出更完善的決策,加強其所帶領活動的風險管理計畫,將風險降至最低。
The mountains of Taiwan provide many opportunities for a range of outdoor adventures.From hiking, mountaineering, canyoneering, sea kayaking and rock climbing, Taiwan is a paradise for weekend warriors and to those looking for extended trips. Outdoor programs have started to cash in on this outdoor opportunity. Schools are using adventure education in their curriculums. Teachers see the benefits of outdoor classrooms and the diversity of what students can gain. For the blue collar people, the outdoors is an escape from the pressure of jobs and business. On top of all that, the culture of Taiwan being so stressful, the mountains are just a drive away. However, along with the adventures comes the risk involved with these activities. Unfortunately, in Taiwan, there is an increasing amount of incidents. These accidents could have been avoided. There is a need for guidelines and requirements that would help decrease these accidents. There is no sure way to stop some accidents from occurring, but with quality standards, they can be decreased. It is the hope of this paper to help with these standards. Outdoor instructors need practical ways to help them make their world a better place.
起訖頁 71-85
關鍵詞 風險戶外臺灣領導者戶外領導riskoutdoorsTaiwanleaderoutdoor leadership
刊名 休閒研究  
期數 201203 (4:1期)
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心
該期刊-上一篇 遊學教育在休閒場域的體現─以兩休閒農場為例




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