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Financial Information Disclosure and Management Accountability in Nonprofit Foundations: A Comparative Study of Cross-Strait Cases
作者 孟一文李怡潁 (Yi-Ying Lee)黃德舜 (Derek-Teshun Huang)
To build up an efficient information disclosure mechanism and to maximize transparency are ways of increasing accountability and sustainability for nonprofit organizations. This research choose Hon Dao Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation in Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as Hon Dao) and China Ageing Development Foundation in China (hereinafter, China Ageing) for a comparative study on their financial data in attempt to provide some practical insights for other foundations and government policy-making. Our results show that: 1. Both Foundations provide financial transparency in their accounting practices, yet Hon Dao has shown better information disclosure and management accountability. 2. Government regulations on net assets accounting items across-strait show some differences. In general, policies in Taiwan give higher level of flexibility and stress more on self-regulation, while in China, regulations are more definitive. Financial statements of China Ageing provided information on fund-raising expenses, which help stakeholders to know its fund-raising performance; while Hon Dao listed its various revenue resources, provide outsiders with deeper understanding of its strategic development. 3. In Mainland China, government requires more accounting items preparation and information disclosure especially on restricted funds accounting and stock investment reporting. From the accountability point of view, these are more advanced and essential measures for the sustainable development of nonprofit foundations.
起訖頁 59-79
關鍵詞 財務資訊揭露管理責信度財務透明性基金會financial information disclosuremanagement accountabilityfinancial transparencyfoundation
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 201103 (15期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 實效社區治理模式之探討:以鳳山社區大學防治登革熱為例
該期刊-下一篇 非營利組織轉型服務成功經驗之研究:以喜樂保育院為例




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