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The Discussion of Model of Effective Community Governance: A Case Study in Fongshan Community University
作者 李柏諭鄭舜介
自二十世紀以來,不論是西方各國政府執政的實務經驗或是公共行政的學術研究,均無法脫離在左派國家統治與右派市場決策的治理光譜間擺盪,因而在政府失靈與市場失靈中紛紛相繼走出了第三條路(the third way)--「社區主義」(communitarianism)。而我國近年來伴隨著民間教改人士的倡議與社區意識的覺醒而紛紛成立社區大學,並彰顯「治理典範」的另一模式--「社區治理」,由政府與經營社區大學之民間非營利組織形成一個獨特的公私協力關係,共同傳輸社會所需的公共教育服務。在理論層面上,本研究期盼在社區主義理論上,建構出一實務面的「實效社區治理模式」( model of effective communitygovernance),透過推動公民參與(engaging citizens)、落實成效評估(measuringresults),以及完成治理工作(getting things done)等三個核心概念,進行社區治理的行政實踐的制度設計與策略研擬。鑑於高雄市鳳山社區大學自創校以來,便致力於發展社區營造、公共衛生宣導教育與成人終身教育等服務,特別著重公共衛生教育,並將其做為主要公共服務項目,配合政府的支持,對於傳染病的防治頗具成效,因此,本研究以高雄市鳳山社區大學為例來說明社區大學如何透過實效社區治理模式的三項實際治理技術,推動登革熱之防治,以及進一步檢視公共衛生防治工作上之成效。
Since the twentieth century, whether the practical experience or academic research in public administration are unable to escape government failure and market failure. As a result, they finds a new way-“communitarianism.” At the theoretical level, this paper proposes the model of effective community governance to help people and organizations find ways to become more effective at improving communities. The context of the effective community governance model involves three critical elements of governance: engaging citizens, measuring results, and getting things done. Empirically, the Fongshan Community University since its inception, is committed to the development of community development, public health advocacy education and adult re-education. Especially, its public health education focuses on the transmission of effective prevention and control of dengue fever. This paper is going to illustrate how can the Fongshan Community University through the model of effective community governance to promote the prevention and treatment of dengue fever.
起訖頁 27-58
關鍵詞 社區主義實效社區治理模式治理社區大學communitarianismthe model of effective community governancegovernancecommunity university
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 201103 (15期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 汶川震後大陸NGOs的發展及其對公民社會的影響
該期刊-下一篇 基金會財務資訊揭露及其管理責信度:兩岸個案比較




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