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The Relationship between Internal Marketing Orientation and Organizational Commitment-Taking Nursing Personnel as an Example
作者 Jacob Y. H. Jou (Jacob Y. H. Jou)Cedric H.J. Wu (Cedric H.J. Wu)Yi-Ling Lin (Yi-Ling Lin)
In the modern competitive world, human resource is a key-determining factor for most successful businesses. As the living standard and education levels increased, employers have lost the advantage and ability to control workers, and employee's organizational commitment and loyalty have weakened. There have been abundant researches attempting to discern factors to improve employee job satisfaction and employee's organizational commitment. Marketers have tried to introduce the concept of internal marketing which treats employees as customers, and hoped to achieve internal customer satisfaction via external marketing strategies to cultivate the consciousness of customer services. So the purposes of this study are to understand the relationship between the internal marketing orientation and the employee's organizational commitment. An exploratory factor analysis was performed and the results revealed that there exists the internal marketing mix. An internal marketing mix composed the following eight factors: (1) the understanding of internal demands; (2) segmentation of job opportunity; (3) intangible benefits; (4) tangible benefits; (5) the organizational system; (6) communication; (7) interpersonal relationships; and (8) the physical facility. The results also indicated that the two components of eight factors, the job performance and the interpersonal relationships significantly impact on nursing organizational commitment.
起訖頁 193-207
關鍵詞 Internal Marketing OrientationHuman Resource ManagementOrganizational Commitment
刊名 Pan-Pacific Management Review  
期數 200108 (4:2期)
出版單位 義守大學
該期刊-上一篇 The Effects of Tick Size, Trading Frequency and Delay-open on the Return Dynamics in Taiwan's Stock Market
該期刊-下一篇 A Study on the Perspectives of Labor and Management on Training Effectiveness in Service Sectors in Taiwan




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