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Perspectives from the TRAM Model on Adopting e-Learning: An Analysis of the Chain and Franchise Industry in Taiwan
作者 閻瑞彥陳淑姿
E-Learning technology is advancing everyday and offering various industries systems and tools to increase efficiency and productivity.While there are many studies examining individual employees' e-Learning Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), few empirical studies include TRI and TAM of management, as well as how this affects adopting e-Learning in a firm. This study uses the TRI and TAM models to examine data collected from 24 companies in the chain and franchise industry (CFI) in Taiwan and focuses on manager and workers' response in adopting e-Learning technology. Results show that although the impact of manager and workers' technological readiness both show a direct effect related to their perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, managers' tendency for technology readiness, as opposed to workers, has a greater affect on perceived usefulness than perceived ease of use. For both managers and workers, perceived usefulness has no affect toward attitude toward using and use intention and that both technology readiness toward use intention is positively and significantly mediated by perceptions of ease of use. As opposed to previous studies, this study also finds both managers and workers in CFI tend to concentrate on the perception of ease of use on their attutitude toward use e-Learning. This paper contributes to the conceptual and empirical understanding of e-Learning adoption between managers and workers, as well as questions and explores how e-Learning can be best integrated into this industry.
起訖頁 17-37
關鍵詞 數位學習技術接受模式技術準備度技術準備與接受模式連鎖與加盟e-LearningTAMTechnology readinessTRAMChain and franchise
刊名 北商學報  
期數 201007 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺北商業大學(原:臺北商業技術學院)
該期刊-上一篇 地主國特性、CEO特質及策略導向對臺商大陸市場進入模式與經營績效之影響
該期刊-下一篇 知覺評價、經驗遺憾、顧客滿意與顧客終生價值關係之研究--以豪華高級房車市場為例




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