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The Demonstration of Discourse Analysis on Reading Teaching: The Problem-Solution Pattern
作者 史穎君
Discourse analysis has presented us with a fundamentally different way of looking at language compared with traditional models. Learners can be beneficial from the lues as to mutual relevance provided by the Problem-Solution pattern in reading practices. In addition, teachers are supposed to stimulate the readers' schemata so as to facilitate their absorbing new information in reading teaching. Moreover, at a microlevel, Problem-Solution pattern appears to be a very useful analytical tool in reading teaching, enabling the teacher to assist students to recognise the lexical signals used to predict what is to come. Also, the intertextual expectation is necessary and should be taught in language teaching to make sense of texts in some situations. Therefore, teaching the elements of the Problem-Solution pattern can benefit readers to map the information in the text. The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of discourse analysis for reading teaching. It begins with defining discourse analysis, and proceeds to its scope. Next, the Problem-Solution pattern used to analyse a written text is presented. Meanwhile, the analysis of a reading sample from a textbook is also produced to illustrate mutual relevance of the text sentences. This paper concludes by highlighting the pedagogical implications of the Problem-Solution pattern.
起訖頁 137-152
關鍵詞 言談分析問題解決模式文本基模Discourse analysisProblem-solution patternTextSchemata
刊名 北商學報  
期數 200901 (15期)
出版單位 國立臺北商業大學(原:臺北商業技術學院)
該期刊-上一篇 探討系統與資訊對網路化協調之影響
該期刊-下一篇 平安時代日本人創作意識的自覺與反映試詮--以菅原道真對《和漢朗詠集》的影響為例




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