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Inelastic Buckling Loads for Nonprismatic Columns
作者 伍勝民
The buckling load or the stability of axially loaded prismatic columns has been well discussed in both the elastic and the inelastic ranges. Nonprismatic or tapered compression members are often used to achieve economy in many practical applications.Therefore, it is necessary to accurately predict their failure loads. In presentday steel buildings, the member with varied web and constant flanges is used more often, the investigation in this study will focus on this type of nonprismatic member The elastic and inelastic buckling capacity or stabilities of nonprismatic columns are discussed herein by using a modified matrix technique, in which the geometric, mate rial nonlinearities and the effect of the residual stress are included. In this study, the nonlinear response of structures is generated by an incremental load approach with a secant type of iteration method at each load level to satisfy the equilibrium equations The stability functions and the discrete element model are employed in the iteration approach to present the geometric and material nonlinearity, respectively.
起訖頁 263-279
關鍵詞 Inelastic analysisBuckling loadNonprismatic(tapered) member
刊名 朝陽學報  
期數 199606 (1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 交涉構造類型分析--獨占的組合模型、經營權模型、效率交涉模型
該期刊-下一篇 朝陽技術學院八十三學年度二技與四技一年級學生的體能差異比較研究




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