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The Perception of Preservice Teachers to the Teacher Education Program
作者 陳易芬
本研究採用質性研究法,深度訪談11位(四男七女)大四職前教師,探究其對初 等教育師資培育機構之師資培育課程及教學的看法及建議。研究結果分課程與教學兩 方面。\r一、課程方面:\r(一)有助教學專業成長的課程:職前教師認為教材教法、國音及說話、心理學、英文、 資訊相關課程以及健康教育等。(二)有助職涯規劃的課程:職前教師認為心理學類課程、教育相關的課程對從事教育 行政以及準備公職、教師甄試等都有幫助;英文課程有助英文檢定考之準備;課 程的作品則有助研究所推薦甄試。\r(三)有助自我成長的課程:職前教師認為輔導相關課程是自助也是助人的課程。通 識、音樂、寫字與外語幫助職前教師自我成長。\r(四)待改進之課程時程安排與授課時數:教材教法課程大都開放選修,導致有選不到 課的窘境。建議有些課程開課時程應調前或延後。有助研究所推甄的課程宜大三 時開。有些課程時數不足,難以全盤了解課程内涵。\r二、教學方面:\r(一)實用的教學方法:相較於傳統的講述法,職前教師認為實作的教學方式較有幫 助,例如:到國小班級試教、課堂討論、到國小訪問並整理出報告,其他如:課 前預習、教學方式的可應用性。(二)待改進之教學方式:職前教師認為教學方式抽象難懂、純理論而無實做、師生互 動少、資料多上不完、沒有考試、上課氣氛嚴肅,皆不利學習效果。建議教師授 課不一定侷限在教室内;並建議教師自編講義,以助學生了解課程重點;或在教 學時先告知學生章節重點及如何學。
The purpose of this study was to explore elementary pre-service teachers’ learningexperiences under the teacher education in a teachers college. Based on the purpose, thequalitative method was used to collect the data. Eleven pre-service teachers wereinterviewed. The findings of the study are as follows.1. Curriculum dimension:(1)The courses that help teaching include Teaching Material and Method, Phonics and Speaking. Besides, Psychology, English, and Computer related courses are useful.(2)The courses helpful for career include Psychology, Education, Teaching Principles, Educational Statistics, Educational Testing and Construction.(3)The courses that help personal development include Guidance related. General courses, such as Drama helps body expression; Sex Education helps know the other gender. In addition, Music, Writing, and Foreign Language courses all help personal development.(4)Most of Teaching Material and Method courses are open to all students, so it is quite competitive to enroll in some courses. The pre-service teachers suggested the course schedule be modified to improve learning. Some courses with 2 credit hours have not enough time to comprehend the content of the course.2. Instruction dimension:(1)Instead of lecturing, practice is a useful teaching method, such as student teaching in elementary school, discussion, and interview. The courses that require preview before class are also helpful.(2)The teaching methods of some professors is not accepted by students. Students suggest professors change the teaching method, not limit to classroom, edit handouts to help student understand the important points, and improve mutual interaction between teacher and students.
起訖頁 021-045
關鍵詞 課程小學教學師資培育CurriculumElementary SchoolInstructionTeacher Education
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201112 (20期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 學校分布式領導與創新經營之研究:以台中市國民小學為例
該期刊-下一篇 N. Noddings關懷倫理學之課程設計與實施




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