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Distributed Leadership and Innovation Management in Elementary Schools: Taking Taichung Municipal Elementary Schools for Example
作者 王環鈴王文科王智弘 (Chih-Hung Wang)
本文旨在探討臺中市國民小學分布式領導與創新經營,採用調查研究法,以臺中 市國民小學現任合格之教師為調查對象,發出632份問卷,回收606份,回收率 95.89%,扣除無效問卷47份,有效問卷為559份,有效問卷比率88.45%。\r本研究獲致以下結論:一、國民小學教師知覺的分布式領導與創新經營為中高程度。\r二、不同性別與最高學歷的國民小學教師,知覺的分布式領導未有顯著差異。三、不同年齡、職務與服務年資的國民小學教師,知覺的分布式領導具有顯著差異, 以年齡41歲到50歲、年資21到30年、擔任職務為兼主任的教師,知覺學校分 布式領導程度較高。\r四、不同學校規模與創校歷史的國民小學教師,知覺的分布式領導具有顯著差異,以 規模13到48班、創校歷史21到30年的學校教師知覺的分布式領導程度較高。\r五、不同性別、年齡與最高學歷的國民小學教師,知覺的創新經營未有顯著差異。六、不同職務與服務年資的國民小學教師,知覺的創新經營具有顯著差異,以職務為 教師兼主任、服務年資21到30年教師知覺的分布式領導程度較高。七、不同學校規模的國民小學教師,知覺的創新經營未有顯著差異。八、不同創校歷史的國民小學教師,知覺的創新經營具有顯著差異,以創校21到30 年的教師知覺的創新經營程度較高。九、分布式領導與創新經營具有中度正相關。十、分布式領導對創新經營具有正向預測力。
It was to investigate the distributed leadership and innovation management in TaichungMunicipal elementary schools by surveying qualifying directors and teachers. There were559 effective questionnaires out of totally 632 copies with the valid rate of 88.45%.The conclusions of this research are as following.1. The degree of distributed leadership and innovation management perceived by teachers was between medium and high.2. There was no significant difference in different genders and educational backgrounds of teachers regarding perceived distributed leadership.3. Regarding perceived distributed leadership, there was significant difference among teachers of different ages, positions in school and periods of in- service. Teachers of age from 41 to 50 years old, in-service periods from21 to 30 years, and directors in school were with higher degree of distributed leadership perception.4. There was significant difference of perceived distributed leadership in the teachers from schools of different sizes and histories. Teachers from schools of 13 to 48 classes and school history of 21 to 30 years perceived higher degree of distributed leadership.5. There was no significant difference in different genders, ages, and educational backgrounds of teachers regarding perceived innovation management.6. Regarding perceived innovation management, there was significant difference in teachers with different administrative positions and in-service periods. The degree of perceived innovation management from directors of department and teachers of 21 to 30 years of in-service years was higher than the other groups.7. There was no significant difference of perceived innovation management in teachers from schools of different sizes.8. There was significant difference of perceived innovation management in teachers from schools of different histories. The perceived innovation management of teachers from school history of 21 to 30 years was higher than the other groups.9. The degree of distributed leadership and innovation management was positively related.10. The degree of innovation management could be predicted by the degree of distributed leadership.
起訖頁 001-020
關鍵詞 國民小學教師分布式領導學校創新經營elementary schools teachersdistributed leadershipschool innovation management
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201112 (20期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-下一篇 職前敎師對師資培育課程與敎學的看法與建議




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