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T. Brameld重建論之教育思想探究
On the T. Brameld's Educational Thoughts of Social Reconstructionism
作者 李雅婷 (Ya-Ting Lee)
本研究旨在探討重建論的核心論點、重要代表人物T. Brameld的主張、教育∕課程實踐以及學者對重建論的評論和重建論的後續影響。Bramold被視?是將重建論推向更發展完備的教育哲學之重要功臣,其歸納出社會重建論的三大特徵、方法和資源,並且以「教育即力量」的口號突顯出重建論者對教育的重視。此外,Brameld對於生態、環境與全球觀點的主張、文化學取向的師資培育觀,至今不但在美國也是全球所關注的重要議題,足見其獨到且敏銳之眼。而社會問題核心課程類型,亦?教育∕課程理論與實踐提供了另一種思考和選譯。儘管在美國,重建論並不總被接受,但他們能激發與促動對重大議題的思考,並試圖提供更完善世界的願景與達成的方法,以及其對於教育與課程實踐層面的主張,皆在現今美國教育中存在著影響力,足見其在教育∕課程史上的重要性。
The purposes of this study was to explore the central viewpoints of social reconstructionism, T. Brameld's thoughts, education/curriculum praxis, and critique of reconstructionism by scholars as well as influences. Brameld was most influential in building reconstructionism into a more fully developed philosophy of education. According to Brameld, there were some important viewpoints of reconstructionism, including three characteristics, methods, resources and a slogan 'education as power' of reconstructionism. Moreover, Brameld recognized the need for valuing ecosystem, environment, and global perspectives, as well as the culturological approach of teacher education. Recently, those issues have been got more and more attentions in American and around the world. Brameld provided us with alternative choices of education/curriculum theory and practice, social-problems criterion. While reconstructionist theories are not always accepted, the can stimulate and provoke thinking about critical issues. They have provided visions of a more perfect world and have suggested means of attaining them. Although not widely recognized, social reconstructions is alive and influential in American education today.
起訖頁 001-024
關鍵詞 社會重建論教育即力量文化學取向T. BrameldSocial reconstructionismEducation as powerCulturological approach
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 200712 (12期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-下一篇 高職學校本位課程校長課程領導能力研究--以高職校長觀點為例




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