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Cross-Cultural Study of Refusal Speech Acts with American English and Taiwanese Mandarin
作者 陳淑珠陳淑惠 (Shu-hui Chen)
As Kasper (1990) noted, there is a need to conduct more studies to address potential inter-lingual variation to obtain a better understanding of the cross-cultural aspects of speech act performance. This study investigated the effect of the initiating acts on refusal strategies used by forty native speakers of Taiwanese Mandarin and forty native speakers of American English in three situations. Their responses were analyzed based on the taxonomy developed by Beebe, Takahashi, & Uliss-Weltz (1990). Results showed that indirect refusals were preferred by both of the groups, and higher frequencies of indirect refusals were found in refusals to requests, followed by refusals to invitations, and refusals to suggestions. Although there was no significant difference in indirect refusals, we have found that both of the groups had the highest frequencies in refusals to requests than in refusing to invitations and suggestions. Also, cross-cultural variations in indirect refusal substrategies were observed. For instance, Americans used more dissuading interlocutors in refusing requests; they also used more alternatives in refusing invitations. Their differences in refusals could be explained from cultural perspectives.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 拒絕語語用學Refusal speech actsMandarin ChinesePragmatics
刊名 人文社會科學研究  
期數 200812 (2:2期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-上一篇 論苻堅的大戰略與前秦興亡之關係
該期刊-下一篇 總統刑事豁免權淺析--以大法官會議釋字第627號解釋為中心




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