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A Study of Learning Effectiveness by Using Mind Map as a Notes Tool in Mathematics for the Fifth Grade Elementary School Students
作者 黃一泓 (Yi-Hung Huang)王貞雯
本研究採準實驗研究設計,旨在探討教導學生採用心智圖(mind map)作為筆記工具時,對國小五年級學生在數學科的學習成效及學習態度上之改變情形。實驗組採利用心智圖法教學策略,控制組採傳統教學策略,並進行總結性評量、心智圖評分、學習意見調查。針對所得資料進行獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關與百分比統計分析。研究發現:一、第一次總結性評量兩組分數未達顯著差異,第二次(延宕後測)分數達顯著差異,顯示使用心智圖法教學策略在學習效果保留上優於使用傳統教學的班級。二、延宕後測成績與心智圖總得分、邏輯架構能力、關鍵字能力呈顯著正相關;與圖像色彩能力亦呈正相關,但未達顯著水準。三、多數學生喜歡以分組合作學習方式完成心智圖,認為心智圖法能幫助概念理解及數學學習。
The current study, a quasi-experiment, aims to explore how using mind map as a notes tool in learning mathematics affects elementary school fifth graders’ learning effectiveness and their learning attitudes. The experimental group was taught to use the mind mapping strategy whereas the control group to use the traditional learning strategy. The students’ summative evaluation, mind map scoring and learning opinions survey have been performed. The data were examined by applied independent samplet-test, ANCOVA(analysis of covariance), Pearson’s product moment correlation and descriptive statistics. No significant difference was found between two groups’ scores in the first summative evaluation. A significant difference, however, was found between the two groups’ scores in the second summative evaluation (postponed post-test). This implies that using mind map strategy can help students retain learning effectiveness. The postponed post-test scores were significantly positively correlated with the total scores of mind map, logical structure ability, and keyword ability yet positively but not significantly with image color. Finally, most of the students responded that they preferred cooperative learning to complete mind maps andthought that mind mapping can help them understand and learn mathematics.
起訖頁 091-114
關鍵詞 心智圖法心智圖數學筆記學習成效保留合作學習Mind mapMind mapping mathematic notesRetention of learning effectivenessCooperative learning
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201112 (10:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 優納斯責任倫理學的教育涵義探究
該期刊-下一篇 商展行銷課程創意教學成效之初探




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