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A Study on Gifted Program Evaluation in Taipei City
作者 吳玲君陳昭儀 (Chao-Yi Chen)
The purpose of this study was to understand the preparation and implementation of Gifted Program Evaluation of 2002-2003 in Taipei City and the comments and suggestions from evaluators. The research participants included an evaluation coordinator and five evaluation committee members. It was based on the reference documentation and current documents coupled with interviews that gathered data from the individual teacher and focus groups. Data was analyzed by using qualitative research method. Its findings were as follows: 1. An overview of the preparation and implementation: The evaluation was implemented from April to May in 2003 by Taipei Resource Center for the Gifted and Talented, according to the Taipei City White Paper on Gifted Education and the 2002 Annual Plan of Taipei Education Bureau. This evaluation did come up to the expectation of educational administrators and professional experts 2. The comments and suggestions from the committee members: All of the evaluation committee members who were interviewed made their comments and suggestions toward issues of the evaluation project, report and preparation process. They all thought that the length of time for half-day evaluation was not enough but acceptable. They considered the result of evaluation objective and fair as the committee evaluated schools with cautious, objective, and sincere attitudes and the reward list was finalized after careful deliberation. In general, most of the committee members and editors of the reports had a positive attitude toward the contents of the reports even though they were not satisfied with some parts of them.
起訖頁 023-050
關鍵詞 資優教育評鑑 Gifted program evaluation
刊名 資優教育研究  
期數 200812 (8:2期)
出版單位 中華資優教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺北市國民小學資優教育區分性教學之探究
該期刊-下一篇 探索教育活動方案對國中數理資優班學生領導才能與情緒智力之成效研究




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