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A Study on Differentiated Instruction in Taipei Elementary Gifted Education
作者 陳若男陳昭儀 (Chao-Yi Chen)潘裕豐
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of differentiated instruction in Taipei Elementary Gifted Education, including teacher's concept of differentiated instruction, the important factors and instructional strategies for differentiated instruction practices. Eighty-three Taipei Elementary Gifted Education teachers participated in the study. Self-developed questionnaire were used to collect data. The main findings were as follows: Taipei Elementary Gifted Education teachers held positive attitudes toward differentiated instruction. The eleven curriculum adaptation and instructional strategies were agreed. There were statistically significant difference between the concept and practices of differentiated instruction. The key factors of effective differentiated instruction were as follows: school administration provided encouragement and support, integration and application for resource of school and society, teachers' beliefs, professions & growths, the interaction and teamwork of the teachers, communications and cooperation between teachers, parents & administration, understanding the wide diversity among students, instructional modification and multifaceted enrichment models, parents' concept and involvement for differentiated instruction, and active learning with students.
起訖頁 001-022
關鍵詞 個別差異 區分性教學 資優教育 適性教育 Individual differences Differentiated instruction Gifted education Adapting education
刊名 資優教育研究  
期數 200812 (8:2期)
出版單位 中華資優教育學會
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市國小資優教育評鑑之研究




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