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A Comparison Study on Mathematical and Language Ability of Yung Children between New Immigrant and Local Families
作者 魏培容郭李宗文高志誠高傳正 (Chuan-Cheng Kao)
本研究旨在暸解新住民家庭幼兒與非新住民家庭幼兒的數學能力和語言能力表現\r與差異,並探討新住民家庭幼兒語言能力和數學能力之間的關係。研究以立意取樣方\r式,選取高雄市國小附幼新住民家庭四歲幼兒 32 名,及與新住民家庭幼兒同班、同年齡、社經地位相近之非新住民家庭幼兒 32 名為配對樣本。研究工具為修訂學前兒童語\r言障礙評量表、及自編之幼兒數學能力操作測驗。研究發現如下: 一、新住民與非新住民家庭幼兒的數學能力表現皆具有中上程度;兩組幼兒「數學能\r力」有不同,其中「數的合成與分解」子概念能力的表現上,新住民家庭幼兒比較弱。 二、新住民與非新住民家庭幼兒的語言能力表現皆屬普通程度;兩組幼兒在「語言能\r力」上有不同,其中「語言理解」和「口語表達」兩個分層面的表現上,新住民家庭\r幼兒都明顯較弱。 三、新住民家庭幼兒的語言能力與數學能力表現之間沒有明顯關係。
The study aims to explore the performance and differences on mathematical and language ability of young children between new immigrant families and local families and to analyze the correlation between mathematical and linguistic ability for young children in new immigrant families. By purposive sampling, in south district of Kaohsiung City, 32 4-year-old children in new immigrant families from the affiliated kindergarten in elementary school and 32 local children with same age, class, and socio-economic status were the matching subjects. The research tools included The Revised Language Disturbance Scale for Preschool Children and self-complied Manipulative Test of Mathematical Ability for Young Children. The results were as follows: 1. Both of young children in new immigrant and local families had mathematical ability on upper-level. Two groups of children had different levels on mathematical ability, and the performances of children in new immigrant families on the sub-concept of composition and division of number were weaker than the local ones. 2. Both of young children in new immigrant and local families had language ability on intermediate level. There were different on language ability between the two groups, and the performances of children in new immigrant families on the aspects of comprehension and oral expression were weaker than the local ones. 3. There was no significant correlation between language and mathematical ability for young children in new immigrant families.
起訖頁 153-172
關鍵詞 幼兒新住民家庭語言能力數學能力language abilitymathematical abilitynew immigrant familiesyoung children
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺中地區學齡前幼兒父母共親職之探討
該期刊-下一篇 教師專業評鑑規準之評量標準與示例—以學前特教教師為例




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