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The Study of the Level of Performance and Example of Teacher Evaluation for Early Childhood Special Educators
作者 鐘梅菁
近年來,教育部積極鼓勵學校申請試辦教師專業評鑑,而國內評鑑規準多由學者專家依據理論建構而成,教師往往因為沒有參與機會而對評鑑缺乏共識與安全感,所以教師專業評鑑一直都是在爭議中前進。因此,本研究邀請 25 位學前特教教師參與試驗性評鑑與焦點座談,依據「學前特教教師專業評鑑規準建構之探究」結果,建構學前特教教師專業評鑑規準之評量標準與示例,針對學前特教教師專業評鑑規準的四領域(課程設計、個別化教學、教學經營、專業合作) ,依據參與試驗性評鑑的教師所提出的六個\r原則(精確原則、實用原則、清晰原則、連貫原則、互斥原則、完整原則)進行研擬,將每一個檢核重點的評量標準分為三個等級,在每一個等級下詳細說明得分標準,並針對每一個檢核重點提出對應的示例說明,以提升教師專業評鑑的可行性。
The purpose of the study was to establish the level of per formance and example of teacher evaluat ion for special early childhood educators in Taiwan. Development of the criteria has undergone a trial evaluation based upon 12 focus interviews. Data were collected from 25 teachers in the early childhood special education. The evaluation criteria consist of four major domains, including curriculum design, individualized teaching, teaching management, and teachers collaboration. Three rating levels were designated for each descriptor with illustrations. Through a series of interviews with participating teachers, six principles as accuracy, utility, dist inction, correlat ion, exclusion and completeness were concluded from the trial evaluation. According to these principles, crucial modifications have been made for the evaluation criteria. Nevertheless, adjustments were needed for for early childhood special education teachers, especially the preschool itinerants and special school teachers, on using the criteria.
起訖頁 173-192
關鍵詞 評量標準示例教師評鑑學前特教教師levels of performanceteacher evaluationearly childhood special educators
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 新住民與非新住民家庭之幼兒數學能力與語言能力的比較研究




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