The law currently implemented in the elementary and middle schools, e.g., the Compulsory Education Law, the Senior High School Act and the Vocational School Law, authorizes the Ministry of Education to set up curriculum guidelines. Therefore, based on its status of legal order, it is appropriate for the Ministry of Education to promote the curriculum network. Yet, teachers' professional autonomy and their assisting status to realize educational goals as stated in the Constitution and Educational Fundamental Act should be respected. Although the professional autonomy of the elementary and middle school teachers is not the same with that of university instructors, their freedom of teaching should be shielded in order to cater to specific nature of each individual student. In other words, if it does not involve transformation of individual instruction, professional supervision that is implemented through the curriculum network should help maintain teachers' professional autonomy. In addition to provide counseling for teaching, the national curriculum network is characterized by its professionalism in teaching. Hence, through legal order, it can be endowed with responsibilities such as teacher evaluation that requires more public authority. |