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Public Trust and Risk Perceptions: A Preliminary Study of Taiwan's GMOs, 2003-2004
作者 周桂田
This paper mainly discusses public perceptions and attitudes towards genetically modified organism (GMO) disputes by comparing the results of two annual national telephone surveys. The themes of the surveys include risk perception, risk assessment, risk communication, public participation, and public trust, and they examined the public’s attitudes towards general GMO knowledge, GMO policy, and GMO risk, as well as the government’s ability to engage in GMO risk governance. The initial analysis shows that Taiwan’s consumers are somewhat unfamiliar with genetically modified (GM) foods. A considerable percentage of the respondents had not heard of GMOs. Combining the findings of this research with those of the author’s related research, we know that unawareness of high-tech risks is embedded in Taiwanese society. Consequently, the gap between action and delayed risk perception that emerges in such a risk culture is characterized by institutional and individual unawareness. Meanwhile, according to the follow-up analysis, respondents who have heard of GM foods possess different ideologies in terms of risk perception and the scope of risk assessment than national technocrats and science experts. Furthermore, the public deems the channels of transparent risk information, communication, propagation, and public participation to be highly deserving of improvement. As a whole, the public has expectations about the institutional practices associated with high-tech risks. However, owing to the lack of communication and participation mechanisms, a long-running, hidden structure of high-tech risk has developed. With regard to risk perception, assessment, and concerns about GM foods, the public distrusts the state’s and technocrats’ risk discourses. The initial findings of this research indicate that the hidden risk structure is eroding public trust.
起訖頁 151-178
關鍵詞 信任科技風險風險感知風險溝通風險評估科學專家科技政策制度能耐遲滯型高科技風險社會trusttechnological riskrisk perceptionrisk communicationrisk assessmentscience experttechnological policyinstitutional capacitydelayed high-tech risk society
刊名 科技、醫療與社會  
期數 200704 (4期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 在窺視、魅惑與對抗之間:瑪麗.艾倫.瑪克的《81號病房》
該期刊-下一篇 注重歷史面向的科學理論觀:評陳瑞麟《科學理論版本的結構與發展》




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