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From Opium gentleman to experimental sample: Opium users and Modern Medicine in Taiwan
作者 許宏彬
In Taiwan, there was a close link between images of opium and a development of modern medicine, which was introduced to Taiwan from the mid 19th century. Here in this article, key questions I would like to address are: what was the influence of modern medicine on the images of opium and its users? And, on the other hand, how could scientific opium research play an important part at a very beginning of the construction of modern medicine system in Taiwan? Through an analysis of opium research conducted by Dr. Lin Qingyue Du Congming, we see the image of opium user was transformed by modern medicine, from an opium gentleman to a weak and incapable addict. Moreover, departing from the clinic based treatment of Dr. Lin, Dr. Du constructed an opium-addicts treatment specific hospital, Geng Sheng Hospital, and, with support from a Japan colonial government, forced opium users to be hospitalised. The hospital, which is regarded as the most important stronghold of modern medicine, enabled not only the first official mass treatment of opium addicts in Taiwan, but also a series of scientific opium research based on these ’valuable opium samples.’ With the execution of segregation in Geng Sheng Hospital, opium users was deprived of their original lifestyle; simultaneously, they started to learn a new, modern body through everyday practice in the hospital. Opium and its relation with modern medicine will be a significant case in our thinking of the modernisation and body-discipline in Taiwan.
起訖頁 113-174
關鍵詞 阿片鴉片杜聰明林清月更生院殖民醫學opiumDu CongmingLin QingyueGeng Sheng Hospitalcolonial medicine
刊名 科技、醫療與社會  
期數 200509 (3期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 科技的性別政治理論和研究的回顧
該期刊-下一篇 如何書寫被排除者的歷史金士伯格論傅柯的瘋狂史研究




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