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The South China and South Seas Policy of Taiwan Governor-Gereral: Focusing on Its Measure of Subsidizing Business
作者 鍾淑敏
本文的目的,是以事業補助為中心,探討大正至昭和的戰前期(1912~1937)臺灣總督府的「南支南洋政策」。藉由對總督府「南支南洋施設費」的分析,討論占設施費預算四成的企業補助費,在日治時期臺灣對外關係中的成效及意義。本文指出:第一,總督府「南文南洋」地理概念的變動,反映出總督府對外關心對象之差異;第二,「南支」與「南洋」政策的基本構想不同。 前者對象是在華南的臺灣人,實權掌握在警務局,乃是臺灣島內警察統治的延長;後者主要是對日本人企業進行補助,總督府可發揮的空間不大。但在日本國內財經界忽視南洋之時,此一政策在日本南進的歷程上仍具重要意義;第三,在補助措施下,大批臺灣人被送至北婆羅洲的久原農場當苦力。此看似單純的勞力移動背後,其實藏有編褊狹的日本人心態;第四,總督府補助措施很難達到預期成效,從經貿關係言,實與臺灣未能工業化有關。不過,日本企業在南洋經貿中遇到「抵制日貨」問題。總督府則從華南經驗中領悟到「臺灣籍民」的用處,乃改變對臺灣人的管理辦法,從消極的對待轉為積極的利用。總督府重新檢討「南洋」政策,利用臺灣人作為「華僑對策」,遂使出發點歧異的「南支」與「南洋」政策,在充分利用臺灣人的構想之下,趨向一致。
This article is to investigate the south china and South Seas Policy of Taiwan Governor-General Before the World War. It studies the Governor-General’s policy of subsidizing Japanese business in Southeast Asia, which accounts for about 40 percent of the budget concerning with South China and South Seas policy, and dscusses its significance for the external relations of colonial Taiwan. Four points are highlighted here. First, the change in Taiwan Governor-General’s geographical definition of ‘South China’ and ‘South Seas’ reflects the shift of its interest. Second, the ends of ‘South China’ and ‘South seas’ policies are fundamentally different. The former is to deal with the Taiwanese working in South China and its power rested with the Authority of the Police. The latter is mainly to provide aids to the enterprises of the Japanese in Southeast Asia, and here no much room is left for the Taiwan Governor-General to operate. However, it still plays an important role in Japan’s southward expansion while Japanese enterprises at home largely ignored the South Seas. Third, as a measure of subsidy, a large number of Taiwanese laborers had been sent to the Plantation of Kuhara in North Bomeo. Looking like a simple movement of labor, it hides in reality the narrow-mindedness of the Japanese. Fourth, the Taiwan Governor-General did not achieve its aim, main because Taiwan was lack of industrialization. However, as Japanese goods faced boycotts in Southeast Asia, the Taiwan Governor-General, from experience in South China, realized that the Taiwanese could be used to help maintaining a market for Japanese goods. For this it started to change its attitude toward the Taiwanese, who were thereupon depended on to deal with the overseas Chinese. The policy of South Seas thus became consistent with that of South China in the idea of making use of the Taiwanese.
起訖頁 149-194
關鍵詞 南支南洋臺灣籍民田健治郎南洋協會井上雅二林謙之助久原房之助北婆羅洲久原農場South China and South Seas PolicyTaiwan Sekimin (Taiwanese People)Den Kenzirothe South Seas AssociationInoue MasaziHayashi KennosukeKuhara HusanosukeNorth Borneo
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200412 (34期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 寫實與規範之間--公學校國語讀本插畫中的臺灣人形象
該期刊-下一篇 一九三五年「華北自治運動」與中國派系之爭--由「蔣中正總統檔案」探討戰前中日關係之複雜性




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