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What is Locality? From the Perspective of Local Knowledge and Indigenous Category
作者 楊弘任
In the wake of community making in Taiwan’s society in the 1990s, the issue of locality has become urgent. What characterizes ”locality”? From outside the community, those actors engaged in the movement of community making hold a set of knowledge and practice, as well as conceptual categories, about long-term social reform; how would these ideas about knowledge and categories from outside influence, or be influenced by, those rooted in the locality? This paper intervenes in the discussion of locality from the concept of ”boundary,” with a view to defining and complicating the meaning of ”locality.” The actors engaged in community making are required to commit themselves to the double actions, ”boundary maintenence” and ”social reform,” within the boundaries of the locality, established by kinship, local connections, and worships. In the movement of community making, the most significant aspect of indigenous category is ”public engagement.” Under the influence of those extrinsic categories, such as civil society and citizenship, locality has to be reconsidered in practice and a new way of translating the extrinsic categories into indigenous categories has to be discovered.
起訖頁 5-29
關鍵詞 公共性公民社會文化轉譯在地範疇地方知識邊界boundarycivil societycultural translationindigenous categorylocal knowledgepublic engagement
刊名 思與言  
期數 201112 (49:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「地方學」專號導言
該期刊-下一篇 地方學的發展與挑戰




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